safer vessel
Make your vessel safer for your crew and for visitors from ashore!
Clean the air and surfaces on your bridge and in meeting rooms for viruses, bacteria, mould, unpleasant smells and indoor pollution.

Avoid food loss while storing food
A certified test concludes that our technology will reduce ethylene gasses substantially. This can be used to extend the life of fruit and vegetables. Ethylene is produced from essentially all parts of higher plants, including leaves, stems, roots, flowers, fruits, tubers, and seeds. Ethylene speeds up the ripening process and in the end it will make fruit and vegetable rot faster.
benefits for your business
benefits for your business *
Good Food = happy crew
Increase shelf life: By increasing shelflife in cold storage with just one week you reduce in the amount of spoiled goods. Better food promotes healthier lifestyle and avoid inconveniences and frustrations.
Better environment: Ensure smell is always comoftable in the cooling room so your crew has a better work environment.
Saving Time and Costs: Air purifiers can help you streamline the food procurement process and reduce costs. just two long voyages secures ROI!
Better air = increased awareness
Use it
Crew cabins
Common spaces
Engine room
Passenger cabins
Cold storage/food storage
increased awareness: The crew will breathe the best indoor air without any risk of getting cross-infected between each other, and can be more focused for longer.
Increased health: Experiencing nu11ified sick days caused by above problems.
Better environment: Create safer and healthier indoor work environment by eliminating the following harmful substances & infections continuously:
Bacteria in air and on surfaces
Virus, fungi, mould,
Air Purifiers Benefit all
Our vessel has had UV-C air purifier installed for the past 3 years in the cooling room, where milk, fruit, vegetables and other temperature sensitive products are stored. Our experience aboard with the air purifier is as follows: We experience a significantly longer durability of fruit and vegetables, thus reduced waste goods. The smell is always comfortable in the cooling room.
Poul Engers Pedersen Captain
Our vessels have faced challenges with the shelf life of fruits and vegetables.After discovering air purifiers that removes ethylene gas, which accelerates the ripening process of fruits and vegetables. By having an air purifier constantly running in each refrigerated room, the concentration of ethylene gas was significantly reduced, resulting in an approximately one-week extension of the shelf life of fruits and vegetables and a reduction in the amount of spoiled goods. After just two long voyages, they achieved savings that exceeded the cost of acquiring the air purifiers. Moreover, they streamlined the food procurement process, reduced bacterial concentration in the refrigerated rooms, and avoided inconvenience and frustration.
Chief Engineer Harald Aastrup confirms these positive results
Our ship has purchased a lot of air purifiers. Previously, they had issues with poor air quality due to exhaust emissions and other unwanted vapors being drawn into the air intake. These challenges have now been resolved, and they enjoy a clean and pleasant indoor environment on board. Additionally, they experience a significantly extended shelf life of fruits and vegetables, which is a major advantage when they are far at sea with limited access to fresh supplies.
Chief Engineer Uffe Damgaard Hansen
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